The association CENTER FOR INTEGRATED SECURITY Skopje is a non-partisan, non-profit and independent association of citizens, whose interest is the socio-political and socioeconomic effects on security, defense and protection.
The main goals of the association are to organize, continuously, independently and in cooperation with other organizations, to conduct quality research, analysis, assessments, lectures and trainings in the field of national and regional security, based on which it will be possible to define appropriate recommendations and proposals for reform and improvement of the security system and society as a whole, to strengthen the capacities of the entities of the national security system, and cooperation and coordination at the regional and international level will be improved.
The founders of the association, most of whom until recently were actively involved in the work in the subjects of the National Security System in our country, are guided by the desire to further contribute with their knowledge, experience and expertise.
We know that the state institutions, the City of Skopje and the municipalities implement legal obligations that are also related to security, defense, working in conditions of a declared crisis and state of emergency, with the protection and rescue, the security of classified information, for the way of cooperation and coordination with state institutions from the field of security, defense and crisis management and other legal competences. In order to implement and fulfill all the listed competences, obligations and rights, experts who have specific knowledge, skills and expertise are needed.
Also, the embassies of democratic states and the representative offices of international organizations in the country have been helping the government for years the non-governmental sector by financing projects for the promotion of democratic processes in the state, for the promotion of democratic and civil values, for strengthening the functioning of the economic, legal and security system in the country, for good institutional management and for the promotion of new advanced ideas and changes in the society.
For those reasons, the Association CENTER FOR INTEGRATED SECURITY Skopje, with full responsibility, offers you future cooperation or partnership in the implementation of projects in the following areas:
- Handling and coordination in crisis management;
- Prevention during detection of explosives and explosive devices;
- The role and participation of the Army and the police in supporting the local self-government and companies in conditions of a declared, crisis and state of emergency;
- Prevention to reduce risks and threats in the event of an earthquake;
- Cyber defense and security;
- Prevention of citizens for protection against burglary;
- Preparations for protection and rescue;
- Prevention among young people to prevent the use of narcotic drugs;
- Defense preparations;
- Security of classified information;
- Assessments, analyzes and preparation of Plans for the method of securing institutions;
- Celebrating significant events and affirming Euro-Atlantic values;
- Purchases in defense and security;
- Gender equality;
- Popularization of the military profession
- Fight against corruption and nepotism;
- Participation in commissions and working groups for conducting analyses, assessments and defining proposals for improving processes and operations;
- Private security;
- Protection of personal data;
- Celebrating and affirming Euro-Atlantic values.
For all the mentioned areas we have our members, credible experts who are the bearers of the lectures and trainings, with prepared topics, presentations and materials. The association has developed a specific catalog of projects that we offer and we can successfully organize and realize them, according to your needs and requirements.
The association, as a legal entity, provides a basis for organized, institutional, independent and successful cooperation. For those reasons, if we have attracted your attention and interest, we are happy to suggest that we establish contact for a possible contract for specific cooperation.
The association achieves its goals and tasks through a determined Work Program, i.e. through the following activities:
1. Promoting critical thought, research and analysis in the creation and implementation of security and defense strategies and policies for the promotion and strengthening of the security capacities of society and governing bodies, which will lead to the achievement of full Euro-Atlantic integration;
2. Creation of a public space for the exchange of opinions and the promotion of intercultural relations, with the involvement of decision-makers and stakeholders;
3. Expert assessment and information on current security and defense-political situations in the country and the region and their impact on the security of the state;
4. Raising the awareness of the public and decision-makers for the creation of an integrated system of national security, under full democratic control and which will be able to efficiently and effectively achieve international cooperation;
5. Research on the place, role and designation of the private security sector, that is, private security companies, as part of the national security system;
6. Engaging and undertaking activities to strengthen the development of democracy, civil society, human rights, rule of law and security;
7. Analyzes and assessments of gender responsibility of institutions from the security system;
8. Organizing conferences, seminars, trainings and other types of activities;
9. Activities and information about Strengthening the moral spirit and social resistance among our citizens, to modern threats and challenges, as well as nurturing libertarian traditions and cultural heritage;
10. Participation in the commemoration of significant events and anniversaries from the near and distant historical past and significant events in the Republic of North Macedonia and of international defense and security organizations;
11. Complete and consistent implementation of the provisions of the status and for the realization of the rights of the members;
In carrying out its tasks, the Skopje CENTER FOR INTEGRATED SECURITY Association will cooperate with all those who aim to improve the national security system, and especially with the main entities of the national security and defense system in our country, as well as with other state authorities, associations and organizations in the country and with international organizations and institutions in the field of security;